What do you do for a living?

Yesterday I was asked what I do for a living!  My immediate thought (but not my actual answer) was “run around like a chicken with my head cut off” LOL… Deep down I felt like the best answer was truly that for a living I am a mom that manages a lot of schedules, takes lots of pictures, helps with emotions, encourages success, bathes & feeds, consoles, arranges schools meetings & doctors appointments, teaches affirmations, cooks, cleans, shops, organizes, and so so much more. My “living” is my kids, my husband… my family!

I then quickly came back to the context in which I was truly being asked, what do I do for a living!  And while this business may not be my “living and put food on our table”, it is definitely the response that I have to that question.  I am not only a mom, but I am a “special needs mom”, and one that is lucky enough to have an apparel company that advocates and spreads awareness.  And THAT is what I do for a living.  The purpose of our shirts and products is to spread awareness not only for educating other people, but to also make it the “norm”.  To make the awareness and inclusion FUN.  To share differences and reduce the uncertainty and wonder. To have shirts and slogans that kids and parents want to wear and are excited about.

I am lucky enough to be able to utilize my creativity, my motherly characteristics and experiences, my vision of making change & bettering the world, to spreading awareness and advocating on clothing (which we all need to wear clothing anyway LOL) … so it’s clothing with a purpose!

Every day a mother advocates … whether its for finding the best dance class for your child, talking to a coach about play time, explains to a doctor about your child’s sick symptoms, calling the school district about getting an aide, or going to an IEP meeting.  You don’t have to be a special needs mom to ADVOCATE.  All moms advocate!  And you dont have to have a child with a disability to spread awareness… to make the world a better place it takes spreading awareness and kindness by everyone!