2018 Holiday Gift Guide

I've gathered a list of a few companies that I love and I wanted to share them with you because I think you will love them too :)
Please keep them in mind when you do your holiday shopping.
1. May Designs
advocate like a mother
We have collaborated with May Designs for fun notebooks, tumblers and more! All of these products make great gifts! And bonus! All proceeds go to Ruby's Rainbow so individuals with Down syndrome can get college scholarships to achieve higher education! Shop and feel good about it!
May Designs was founded by Mica May who has 3 kids. Her son Jackson happens to have Down syndrome. 
May Designs has been named one of Oprah's Favorite Things, and has been featured on Good Morning America, The Today Show, Real Simple, Austin Women and has been included in Birchbox and Popsugar boxes nationwide.
Shop here
2. Wells Cooperative
advocate like a mother
Wells Cooperative is a locally made & fair trade marketplace. They love to create custom pieces inspired by children and families facing a challenging medical diagnosis and those pieces also give back.
Wells Cooperative was founded by Samantha. She has 4 boys and one of her sons, Bodie, has Down syndrome. 
Shop here
3. Games For Special Needs
Littlest Warrior

Created by John and Christen, inspired by their son Ryan who has Down syndrome. They create hands-on learning games + sensory toys for kids of ALL abilities!

Shop here

 4. Nathalies Dolls

Nathalie's Dolls specializes in creating look a like dolls and make sure to capture every ones specific spirit and character. They take extra care when creating dolls for children with special needs because they know this will be the only time they will find a doll that looks just like them.

Shop here

5. Mountain Feather Designs

Mountain Feather Designs features personalized jewelry including ASL! Mountain Feather Designs was founded by Kayla who has a son named Aiden who has complex medical needs.  

Shop here

6. Dance Happy Designs

Dance Happy Designs was founded in 2016 by Julia, Liv, and Emily: three friends on a mission to empower each other and celebrate one another's differences.

Shop here

7. Littlest Warrior

advocate like a mother

And lastly, yours truly! There are many options if you are unsure of someones size - Mugs, Totes and Sweatshirts are great options! We donate 10% of every sale to a family in need of help with medical bills or a family adoption a child with special needs. So you can shop and feel good about it :)  

Shop here




  • xRnDvuTrPZ

  • huPEVTsx

  • Hi there! I just discovered your site and love it! Already placing my first order. My son, Bryce, has a rare life-limiting, genetic illness called Menkes Disease, so I love ways in which I can not only show my support for him, but other special needs kiddos as well. Unfortunately for Bryce, life expectancy is around the age of 3 and it’s left him medically complex to say the least. If I could ask that maybe you consider featuring Menkes disease apparel in your shop it would be amazing! Even though the group of other Menkes families is small since the disease itself is rare, we are small but mighty and I know other friends and family would greatly support you as well. Any additional information I could provide in order to make this happen, I’m happy to do so. Thanks for the opportunity! Ashley Reamer

    Ashley Reamer
  • Hello!

    We ound this site after seeing it on the Sarah’s Covenant Homes website and we absolutely LOVE it! What a wonderful way to celebrate children with special needs and also a cool way to open doors for conversation with others about those special needs! Thank you for what you do!

    We are hoping to start the process to adopt a child with special needs from India. We have prayed, researched, prayed some more and talked extensively with other adoptive families. We’ve narrowed down our agency, read books about adoption, researched special needs and truly feel God leading us to adopt. We are so excited to begin the process! We need about $8000 upfront to cover our first agency fee as well as our home study fee. We have saved some of that, however, we are wondering if there is any way we can apply to get a grant from Little Warriors. Is that something you do? How does that process work?

    It would be such a blessing to us to get our son home from India sooner! We are eager to start the process and praying and trusting that God will provide the necessary funds in His perfect timing.

    Thank you so much again for the work you do! We look forward to hearing back from you!

    Beady and Denae Mulder

    Denae Mulder

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