ELI, INCLUDED - A Children's Book about Down syndrome

ELI, INCLUDED is a children's book written by Michelle Sullivan. Michelle is the owner of Littlest Warrior Apparel and the inspiration behind the shop is her son Eli. Eli has Down syndrome and it has been a desire of Michelle's for Eli to be fully included in Kindergarten. Eli is going to Kindergarten this year so Michelle wrote a fictional story about Eli's first day of school. ELI, INCLUDED is perfect for any classroom, whether there is a child with Down syndrome in the class or not. This book is to help the next generation see that everyone has value and something to offer. 

Down syndrome book children's

Purchase the book here


INCLUSION Down syndrome

inclusion Down syndrome





  • This message is to the author. No need to publish it.

    I want to buy several of these books, but I want to buy them from you. Amazon takes so much off the top. I’d prefer you got all the $.

    My husband spoke at a local DS conference about inclusion right after your book arrived. It was perfect!

    I have an Eli with Down Syndrome and am so happy I found this book. I would like to give them to anyone in Eli’s circle and beyond.

    Thank you so much,

    Robin E Daynes
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