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Fun Ways to Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day!

March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day and there are so many practical and fun ways to spread awareness! Here are some of my favorites:

1. Invite your friends to watch the new movie Champions (releases on March 10th)

2. Give your child's teacher fun and informative handouts and coloring pages all about Down syndrome. Get them for FREE here.

3. Ask your child's class or your local library if you can come and read aloud a book like Eli, Included.

4. Donate to an organization like Global Down Syndrome Foundation or Ruby's Rainbow or DSDN and then share on social media and encourage your friends to do so.

5. Wear a fun shirt that will start conversations.

6. Drop off current, up to date, factual pamphlets at your doctors offices. You can get fantastic ones from Lettercase

7. Advocate at work - ask your employer to hire someone with Down syndrome. This is a fantastic link to give to your employer full of great information

8. Support a business owned by an individual with Down syndrome or businesses that hire people with Down syndrome. Here are just a couple: Howdy's Homemade Ice Cream, Bitty and Beau's Coffee

Hopefully one day soon, awareness will no longer be needed because we will have acceptance and celebration! Now go shout their worth! 





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